Time to beat the bulge.

Okay so the title is somewhat misleading. I haven’t started the gym, as of yet. I have ordered trainers, a protein shaker (may nab a few shakes from my boyfriend, sorry Tom) and started organising what clothes to wear. I even have a little travel bag ready with mini shower gel, shampoo, conditioner and deodorant in it.

I just need the dreaded gym membership.

I’ve decided to take control of my life this year, 2012 was a little like being trapped on a roller coaster for 12 months, so this year it is time to get my life together and take care of my body, my life and myself.

So this is my final goodbye. No more eating rubbish and sitting on my bum constantly. It means eating healthy (of course with a treat every now and again, I am human), less alcohol, more exercise and creating a new life style.

My boyfriend adores the gym and since his started working full time it’s been hard for him to make time for it, so I also am looking forward to doing it for him, also. We are working on our bodies together, and we will both be making time to go as it will be during the time that we make to see each other. Plus, he did a few weights last night and he looked hooooooot, so watching him at the gym is no problem of mine.

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